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Giving back where we can!

Here are a few of the events that we support, through sponsoring, donating, or promoting to our Clan members.


If you know of another great cause, send us a message.



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& Meaty


+ salty +

Throwing for the Cure


​Throwing for the Cure is an annual Highland Games competition in Cherry Valley, Illinois to benefit breast cancer awareness and the American Cancer Association.  They have put on this competition for the past 13 years.

Bacon Bash Texas


Not only is this event a great opportunity to party with both bacon and beer in hand, but it is also a charity event. All proceeds will go to Niki Warms The Cold, a charity born of the kindness and compassion of Niki Carlson shortly after her unexpected death in March of 2010.


Niki Warms The Cold has chosen to use the proceeds to help send a child to Camp Sweeney again this year.  Camp Sweeney was founded in 1947 with the sole purpose of operating a residential camp for children who have diabetes.  After more than 60 years of operation, Camp Sweeney is regarded as one of the largest and most effective diabetes educational facilities in the world. Camp Sweeney offers the only 3-week residential diabetic life skills training program in the United States.

Kilts for a Cure


Kilts For A Cure is a group started many years ago at the Seaside Highland games in Ventura, CA. The donations were given to many different Charities, including The City of Hope Hospital for the research and cure of Breast Cancer. This group is becoming more official and branching out to other Highland Games, golf tournaments and such.
T-shirts, hoodies, jackets, hats, stickers, wrist bands, and many other options will be available very soon.  All proceeds will go to a charity of choice.
Kilts For a Cure is not just for Breast Cancer, but for any disease that is in need of a cure. Our logo can be altered for any colors, pink, red, black, you name the color and the cause, and we can do it.

Warrior 360


​Warrior 360 is a Virginia-based non-profit, organized to support the needs and promote the welfare of United States Military service-members, their families, and all others whose service to public safety generally place the welfare of others before their own.


Kilted to Kick Cancer


Drawing attention to male specific cancers.

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and to strike up a conversation long overdue Motorcop from and... Justin Schorr the Happy Medic at getting Kilted to kick Cancer. For the entire month we will be wearing our kilts whenever not on duty to raise awareness of not only raising money but how easy it can be to live a healthier lifestyle and get checked for cancers.
Join us by kilting up!

Ben's Bells Project


​The mission of Ben's Bells is  to
inspire, educate, and motivate people  to realize the impact of intentional kindness, and to empower individuals to act according to that awareness, thereby strengthening ourselves, our relationships and our communities.

"Clan Bacon", the 'Throwing Pig" logo, and the phrases "Oink for the Cure" and "You know you want some" are all copyrighted, and registered trademarks of the Clan Bacon.

© 2015 by Clan Bacon. Proudly created with

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