Idaho has the Frozen Stones on New Years Day in the cold, ice, and snow, so we want to host the SIZZLIN' BACON CHALLENGE...
in Death Valley...
in August!
This is going to take a lot of planning, coordination, and a little bit of money to put together. Insurance might be impossible to obtain, but just for fun, or maybe for bragging rights, would you want to compete in one of the hottest places in the World?
We could give competitors oven
gloves to pick up the implements.
Maybe The Ove' Glove would sponsor
How about black long-sleeve hooded
sweatshirts instead of games
We only need 5 events to qualify as
a legitimate competition, and we
don't want to kill anyone, so we'd
probably just do the 5 heavy ones;
Braemar Stone, Heavy Hammer, Heavy Weight for Distance, Weight Over Bar, and Caber.
B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Paramedic)
If you have any suggestions on this event, or know how to make it happen, send us an email. We'd love your input.